8-String Soapbar Covers From BKP
30th March 2017
8-String Covers
Quite often at Bare Knuckle we're asked to provide crazy, out-there things by you guys, the players. Some of these things just can't be done, much as we'd love to (pickups in the shape of a cat idea RIP), but sometimes those ideas aren't beyond the realms of possibility. We always want to hear your ideas, no matter how wild they might seem, as they may just be possible. Pickups with tattoos on? Done. Brightly coloured pickups to match your guitar? Sorted! However, sometimes the question doesn't seem too out-there, but the answer isn't as easy to find. This was the case with our 8-string soapbar covers. But, in true BKP style, we rolled up our sleeves and set about trying to find an answer. You'll be pleased to know, we did!